At Dress-a-Day a woman posted asking for comments on her personal style. Her blog features pictures of herself, taken nearly every day, in various outfits.
What's the proper netiquette? I left a couple of comments...but perhaps I shouldn't have. But what I'm really wondering is: should we invite her to Wardrobe Therapy? Will there be another Wardrobe Therapy?
And what about all those women at that University party lorijo attended?
(image from this site.--really, very interesting!)
I don't know what the netiquette is for this sort of situation...
I do know that the map is cool!
And I hope we have another Wardrobe Therapy. I'd like to have a shot at it when I'm actually getting paid, and can actually purchase a few things. (Also, I'm going to really miss this group when we finish.)
Actually, those two reasons I gave for wanting another Wardrobe Therapy should be reversed, if they are to be in order of importance.
We're going to do it again nearer the warm season because so many people have strongly seasonal wardrobes. But you folks who live in extreme climates need to announce when the right moment is, as I won't know!
As far as netiquette, if she asks for comments, there's nothing wrong with telling the gal that WT is out there. She can join or do the next round or decide it's not for her...
I'm in for a more WT- I feel like I've hung onto some stuff that could go if we had another round. Also, I love the group and the feedback and the joy of living vicariously through the purchases of others. Plus, I'm a bit addicted to this whole blogging thing and am not yet ready to let it go...
I checked out her blog too. However, I didn't see where she was asking for comments on her outfits though? She seems to already know what looks good on her and what exactly is her personal style.
I say ditto for another round of therapy! I wasn't really able to participate beyond throwing out the obvious items.
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