Saturday, December 8, 2007

Pretty 'n Pink

So glad Wende made it a priority to review this week. I have fallen off the bandwagon, but I solemnly pledge to get back on!

They aren't difficult or complicated: that was sort of the point.

1. Hair. I've been playing around with different potions and lotions a) some sort of lotion you put in when your hair is wet. Supposed to control the frizzies. It doesn't, really. And it makes my hands sticky. b) some potion from V05 that's supposed to do the same thing, only you can apply it wet or dry. It worked the first time I tried it, (in the car, right outside the store. My hair was driving me crazy.) But I haven't seen it since.

2. Showering at least every other day. The absence of a bathroom floor plus no heating plus exceeding cold = cowardice plus staying home.

3. Spritzing when I dress. Also gone by the wayside. I'm waaaay more interested in keeping exposed flesh to the minimum and dressing as fast as possible.

4. Goodness, eyebrows need a lot of upkeep don't they?

5. Nail polish. This has been going well. I now even have emery boards and cuticle cream in my arsenal. I'm finding I'm actually quite vain about them, even though I keep them short and shaped to the shape of my finger-tips.

6. Moisturizing my face. OK, again, standing in my bare feet on a freezing cold floor waiting interminably for the hot water to come up to the second floor and out through the taps is not a pleasant routine. However, things are warming up (it's only -5 or 23F today and is supposed to be that tomorrow too) so it looks like the hibernating, keep-all-windows-covered-wrap-yourself-in-a-blanket weather is over.

7. Lipstick. Haven't found a replacement for my replacement yet. And I'm almost out of it. Lip balm is working well, though.

So, there we have it. I've started again already and wow, it really does feel good.

1 comment :

scb said...

If it's warming up in your neck of the woods, it should be warming up in our neck of the woods in a couple of days! Yay, that's good news. It was -27 when I went out for groceries this morning. Bah.

I finally made myself a list of my routines and posted it below my bathroom mirror, because I really need a visual reminder of what it is I'm supposed to be doing. It does make a difference. I've started using Neutrogena Sensitive Skin washy stuff in a pump bottle (I'm too lazy to go into the bathroom and find its real name) and it makes quite a difference to my skin. My skin actually looks noticably better after I've washed with it, as compared to washing with Ivory hand soap.

I would like to find a cuticle stick like we used to get back in the day, an orangewood stick. I suppose they don't make sticks out of wood these days...

And yes, eyebrows *do* take a lot of maintenance. After years of plucking mine, a lot of them have ceased growing back, in self-defense. But there are still enough stragglers to make me quite a plucky person.

(I hope you can get the new flooring down sooner rather than later, that cold-on-the-bare-feet stuff sounds very not good.)

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