Well, it's encouraging to crow about what I've done, so here goes.
Since the last bdb post:
1. Finished painting (and varnishing) two kitchen chairs. One red, one blue.
2. Washed kitchen ceiling.
3. Washed shelving over stove and cleaned up the jars and tins and stuff that sit on the shelves.
4. Cleared off one full 6'6" shelf of books and totchkes.
5. Went through the backlog of mail.
6. Filed and tossed unnecessary papers from financial files.
Have you had lunch yet?
I'm going to out-dork the dorks and post, no, not my fridge, but the oven. Ready?

Here it is, three days, one batch of cookies, one dozen muffins and a roast chicken later:

Boom dada boom.
great work on the oven! the muffins look yummy.
How did you do that???
Impressed. Hate doing ovens, and never really been that successful at it.
Thanks Sarah--they were! I've made cornbread muffins since and I cannot believe how well they turned out either!
And Mella, dear--haven't you been keeping up with my posts? It took three ruddy days to get it to gleam like that.
Thanks. You made me smile.
But of course...it's simply that the results so far exceed my expectations. ;-) But I think you needed a smile this week, so my work here is done.
wow...that is an impressively clean oven...
and I'd like a muffin please...
Boom dada boom INDEED!
Wow. That's some sparkly shiny oven you've got there! (And I'd like to get in line for a muffin, too, please...)
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