Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Unclutterer, the Week: Tuesday

Day Two: Tuesday

This is bathroom day.

  • Make a list of all the activities that happen here.
  • Take everything out.
  • Sort, pile like with like, toss the excess and expired .
  • Put it back in mini-zones, according to what you use the room for.
  • Keep enough sets of towels according to the following formula: (number of people in the house plus guest rooms) x 2 (And yes, a blow up mattress counts as a "room" )
There's more in the book, of course, but essentially that covers the "uncluttering" steps.

I have one and a half baths. Both small.

Down Bath:

the obvious, showers, baths, hair brushing, teeth brushing (son), shaving, plucking, clipping fingernails, reading, cleaning the room itself.

Everything out of the cabinet:

Everything off the shelves:

And then, the stuff is sorted and the cabinet and shelves washed.

Cabinet after:

(For obvious reasons, things are organized more by height than by "mini zones!"
Nonetheless, there is something indescribably satisfying in looking at this.)

Shelves after:

Up Bath

(That nasty looking stuff on the top of the tank is rust. The toilet is original to the house--+50 years old! Long time readers of this blog will know I want a new one but finding one to fit the space (and easy to clean) is a challenge.)

the obvious, putting on makeup, removing make-up, brushing teeth (3 people), cleaning the room itself.

This is the area beside and above the sink:

Everything out:

I mounted a swing arm rod above the window (I've been wanting to do that for ages)--but I haven't even made (let alone hung) the curtain panel!

The make-up rack, "after:"

And the bathroom, after. (I really need some colour in here! Any suggestions?)

That Easter basket on the top shelf over the toilet is my make-up removal mini-zone. I love knowing everything I need is right here!

(Head band and elastics to keep my hair back. Wash cloth, my very own dedicated petroleum jelly, make-up remover pads, and face towel. No more nearsighted pawing for for things while water drips off my face! I created this back in May.)

The "expired" pile from both bathrooms:

Feels a bit like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Either that, or I am better at this de-cluttering thing than I've previously noticed.

This evening:
Establishing routines and chores.

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