There's the brown lampshade (being returned for something lighter), the brown ottoman (haven't made up my mind. I've been looking for this piece for 5+ years--and now that it is finally available at my price point, it is passe. So, I'm not sure what to think. The trunk has never been a) big enough, and b) stable enough.

I want to focus in on the rug. It is 6x9--and a $40.00 Wally World Wonder. It is going back. My instinct was for an 8x10 in this room and alas and alack, that instinct is correct. The rug is turned so the 9 feet is across the room--and under the couch. The width is 6 feet is across--and the furniture is just too close to the edges to be aesthetic pleasing. (A foot on either side would be terrific: I guess what I really need, then is an 8x8 or 9x9). Trying it the other way--nine feet across in front of the couch squished the chairs to close to the ottoman, as you can imagine.

Still, I wanted to see how the room would look "pulled together" by a rug--and it is indisputable. I think I am going to "ask" for this as my one and only Christmas present this year.
(I have read that one can get broadloom cut and bound to a specific size--and that it is "cheaper" than area rugs of the same size. I may investigate that.)
Rug is a huge win!
The ottoman/coffee table looks so natural with the rest of the room that I don't think it matters if the Most Stylish People have moved on to other things. It's very on-target for the kind of elegant/casual blend you want.
From this photo it's pretty clear the rug makes a huge difference, I'd be curious to see what an 8X10 looks like going length-wise in here, I think it would look ok if the back of the sofa is off of the rug. It's hard to see where the rug ends from this shot.
And I don't think your coffee table/ottoman is passe at all. It looks right at home with the dark wood of the chairs and side tables. If there are Stylish People coming to your house and telling you it is Out, I say kick them out.
Thank you, Wende, that's reassuring about the ottoman.
When I brought it home, Aurelia whined, "You aren't going to get rid of the trunk, are you? I love the trunk." After having dinner on the new ottoman and lolling about on it to watch a movie, she says she's not going to let me take it back!
I just added the second picture.
Oh, I like the room! I think the ottoman looks great. I actually think it looks better if your furniture is not all on the rug, so an 8x10 sounds good to me. When everything is on a rug it looks (to me) like a desert island of furniture. But I agree that overall the rug and the ottoman make the room. Good eye!
Agreed, the ottoman fits beautifully, and the right size rug will be great. I've always liked this room, but it's starting to look really good!
The room looks soooooo cozy, as evidenced by the cozy sleeping doggie!
The whole room looks great. Very homey and comfortable.
another vote here for the ottoman- we have one like it in Florida and it is useful, attractive, and long-wearing. If you have onto the truck, you stuff any naysayers into it... ;-)
Oh and I agree on that a rug is a great addition, but I don't think the color of the one you have is doing much to complement your beautiful floors and this lovely room. I know you are going for a neutral look, but a pop of color might be good on the floor. Something to add a bit of brightness (previously provided by the trunk and the orange throw).
I think the rug will be great as well. My only Christmas present is for the lounge too - a new sofa. We've ordered and it should arrive a week before Christmas.
you're doing a great job! if you want to keep the color scheme more neutral, then i think a cream colored rug may work better. i like the lamp shade you're returning, but maybe it's darker in real life (and with the lamp off, of course). i think this is going to turn out to be very cozy and nice!
this looks great and I love the ottoman!
Think this room looks lovely - the Ottoman works well, I also love the red trunk!
There is a nice symmetry around the fireplace too.
I love the lighting in this room. It's very pleasing to the eye, and makes the room feel very welcoming and cozy! I love the ottoman as well. Very functional and I like the dark color grounding the room as well. I'd probably change all the shades to brown, or take away the brown... but I'm just way too picky about matchy matchy things :( You're doing an awesome job though!
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