(Our home away from home for the next week. It is sufficiently decrepit that I can still proudly call myself a camper. Ahem. Yes, I have to sew a patch onto it tomorrow.)
We will have a firepit.
We will have a camp stove, fueled by portable propane bottles. (Yay. I love cooking on a gas stove!)
I will have two pots and one frying pan and two bowls.
Meat and fresh food will be purchased every day. (No point trying to manage a cooler at the desired temperature when we have to lug it around in the back of the vehicle all day. Can't leave it at the tent site in Bear Country!)
Breakfasts will be a choice of eggs, omeletes, oatmeal or pancakes. (Made with pre-mixed whole wheat flour mix from home). Sausage.
Lunches will be sandwiches: egg, ham and cheese and fruit, cut up veggies, granola bars. We like to hike while we're on vacation, so lunch will always be a squished sandwich.
Arrival night, Sunday:
Spaghetti sauce (1/2 a jar) with pre-cooked ground beef from home.
Spaghetti and Bannock
Chili. (Use up the other half of the jar of spaghetti sauce). Bought corn muffins.
Balsamic Chicken Breasts, roast potatoes, broccoli, bannock.
Sausage, Brown Beans and biscuits.
Burritos, Bannock, Spinach Salad.
Chicken Pepper skillet.
Saturday: leftovers, if any, or pizza from town.
We will be home Sunday night.
NB: The cook reserves the right to cancel dinner at any time in case of heavy rain or extreme fatigue. In such cases, refer to Saturday's plans.
I'll take up grocery-list generators as a real topic, too, but in the mean time, check out the free trial on this one --
Wow. I would never expect such culinary impressiveness on a camping trip -- on our motel-trips we didn't eat that well! And cooking on our Coleman stove generally involved either hotdogs or ham steaks.
Have a great time! Say hi to the mountains for me! (And for my Dad -- it wasn't a holiday for him, unless it involved going to the mountains.)
Sunday night!
Yes, I came back to check and count the days remaining -- hope you're having a great time, but we miss you!
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