I am so excited. I've finally put it together after working on it nearly a solid week. I used a lot of freebies from the internet which I'll link to. But I also purchased a fair bit of product, as well. More than I needed.
Like Ali Edwards, who informally heads the annual project, I decided to make my pages 6x8. Like her, (though I arrived at my decision without knowing hers) I also decided to make my pages a two page spread with a "number" page in the middle of it.
The numbered page in the middle is a variety of things. Originally, it was to be a simple 4x6 piece of patterned paper or cardstock with a number tag mounted on it. (See the page fro Day 3 below!) In many ways, I wish I had kept it that simple. But, if you stick around for the whole post, you'll see that I interpreted that basic idea in many different ways.
The right hand page is patterned paper, the left hand page is cardstock. I chose not to embellish or in any way mark up the cardstock pages. I want to retain maximum flexibility. I plan to put journaling on the patterned paper pages--and on some I've already gone ahead and inserted a fancy journaling page. I'd like to sew the patterned page to the cardstock, but we'll see if I make time to do that.
Before I show you my pages, I want to show you the "extra" pages I've prepared to use if needed:
These are for extra pictures and memorabilia.

The next set features journaling extras:

From left to right: "luggage tags" from the office supply store which I've inked already, library card pockets and library due date cards, a few journaling tags from fancy pants design and some post cards (back only) downloaded for from designedly Kristie. I also plan on making up some text boxes on the computer.
Now for pages themselves.

The dedication page: I believe this is paper by Moxie

page 1: Here's the back of the Moxxie paper with a fancy pants journaling tag on top of it. The number page is a clear vinyl sheet from SEI, I believe, and a Thicker's #1 sticker from American Crafts.

page 2: Patterned Paper by Basic Grey. The luggage tag has an image from the internet and a Thickers "2" sticker.

page 3: Fancy Pants journaling Tag, PP: Basic Grey, Number tag: font: Poor Richard.

page 4: old, old K & Compnay music note paper, Hambly transparency, Luggage tag with ribbon, rick rack and a text box with the font Algerian.

page 5: The patterned paper is from the Girl's Paperie. Journaling tag: Fancy Pants. The divider is that SEI vinyl. The number card is something I made based on a free download from the talented creator of the Pretty Little Studio. I made mine with an image is from the Internet, and the Century font for the letters and numbers.

page 6: This patterned paper is also from Moxxie. The journaling tag is fancy pants and the number tag was created with words from Karla Dudley of Design House Digital. The ticket is from a free download from Miss Cutie Pie.

page 7: The paper is by Graphic 45. I had an old piece of lace hanging about which I stitched onto the SEI vinyl. The round seven was made with Microsoft Word 2010 textbox and a font called Clarendon-Light.

page 8: Basic Grey on the left and a nice 4x6 of the Graphic 45 paper serving as my number divider. I put on some brown rick rack and my homemade #8 circle tag made, again, with Clarendon-Light.

page 9: The K & Company music paper, the Moxxie paper and the tag based on the design by Pretty Little Studio.

page 10: This idea I borrowed from another December Daily participant. The advent tags (by Cathe Holden from www.justsomethingImade.com) will hold the ten reasons why we love Christmas. The patterned paper is by The Girls' Paperie. The library pocket is decorated with a strip of paper "ribbon" by Anna Griffen and some rick-rack.The frame for the #10 from Jennifer Pebbles (at 2peas) is mounted onto a Hambly transparency.

page 11: I found the number 11 by doing a google search for numbers. It's mounted on a plain white American Crafts ribbon on a Hambly transparency. The Patterned Paper on the left is from Pink Paislee.

page 12: More paper from Pink Paislee, a number card based on the one from Pretty Little Studio and a shaped paper--I can't remember who makes it. I do love it though. Here's the back (with a fancy pants journaling tag attached):

page 13: This is the other side of the white Pink Paislee paper above. The tag is composed of a free image from the Pretty Little Studio, words from Karla Dudley and the Georgia ref font made up the number 13.

page 14: Basic Grey paper on the left, the number is on the other side of the shaped paper. I made the number tag from a text box and the Century font.

page 15: The pretty dotted paper is The Girls' Paperie. The number tag (this time made with the Souvenir font) is held in place by Holiday ribbon from Micheal's. That's the last of the SEI vinyl.

page 16: I love the Jovial line from Basic Grey--can you tell? This is the #16 in the Pharmacy font cut out with a 2" circle punch and mounted on top of the Hambly transparency. The scalloped paper behind it is one of the journaling tags from Fancy Pants. I glued down some ribbon from Offray.

page 17: Nice and simple. More Basic Grey on the right. The number tag is mounted behind the Hambly transparency. It was made with the Algerian Font.

page 18: Graphic 45 patterned paper, the unknown shaped paper and another tag based on the design from the Pretty Little Studio I made from an image of a vintage card I found on the Internet.

page 19: More Basic Grey paper. This tag was fun to put together. The paper ribbon is Anna Griffen. The word "celebrate" is from Karla Dudley. The image of the boy is from Dover publications and the number 19 is the Algerian font again.

page 20: Basic Grey and fancy pants provide the pattern here. The numbers are Thickers from American Crafts mounted onto a ribbon from Offray.

page 21: More basic grey. The tag is another composite of words from Karla Dudley, an image from the internet and the number is in the font called Canadian.

page 22: The paper on the left is old, old 7gypsies. I made the bingo card based on various number tags already out there. Katie Pertiet makes some as does Jenni Bowlin, I believe.

page 23: This was fun. It's not a pocket page, though it looks it. Nothing new: Fancy pants journaling tag, a home made number tag, Basic Grey patterned paper and ribbon by American Crafts.

page 24: The paper is Basic Grey, yet again. The tag is made up of the Anna Griffen paper ribbon and a tag from Miss Cutie Pie stitched on by machine.

page 25: This is what happens to me when I think I have to make something "really special." I freeze! So, for the "fanciest" page of all, I have the simplest thing: a Hambly transparency with some Thickers just fastened straight onto it. The paper on the left is from The Girls' Paperie.
And, there we have it. I'll do a post on the Cover another time.
Hello from another Canadian!!! I am a huge fan of Ali Edwards and will do doing the December Daily album this year. I really enjoyed looking through your pages, it's got a really nice warm feel to it. Just out of curiosity, how did you get Ali's DD Widget to work on your blogspot blog. I have been trying with no success! Have fun filling those pages!
Big Fan of Ali's too! I love where you are going with this!!! The two page layout is so very nice. It didn't occur to me to do this. I have no clue why--LOL. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful album. I hope you will share when it's filled. I love all the papers and elements you have chosen in your book. Great job!
Love the papers and elements and look forward to seeing the completed book.
You album looks amazing! Beautiful elements , I can't wait to see all the pages filled!!
Thanks for popping by and saying hi on my blog. I think I will definitely be taking your advice, as I still haven't done any more foundation pages yet. Oops!
Love what you've created here and look forward to seeing how the pages develop over the month :)
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