Change is hard for me. And there have been a few changes to this room in the past few weeks! Big and small.
The story of this change is all about the Web.
I was cruising around one night, looking at kitchen pictures like this one:

and I was wishing for a round pedestal table. The rectangle table was just not working for us any more. We eat at it almost every night of the week. And I was getting frustrated.
1) I couldn't get around that corner at the end of the counter easily. We shortened the rectangle table to make it easier, but then my daughter and I were bumping elbows at dinner.
2) Speaking of my daughter, I had to wait for her to sit down before I could. I had to get up when she wanted to get up. It was a hassle.
3) The boys, on the other side of the table had the same problem, except my husband, who sat near the wall, (my daughter refuses to sit across from her thirteen year old braces wearing and chewing brother) had to do battle with the door closing on him when we left it open.
4) And then, when we weren't eating, but just going our merry way in and out the back door and up and down from the basement, if the table should happen, just happen to be stick out just a smidge too far, the door would bang into the chairs.

My husband and I had been in Ikea recently and saw the Liatorp pedestal table marked down by $50.00. Alas, going down from $400 to $350.00 (Cdn) did not put it into our price range.
But then, but then--it occurred to me to check Craig's List. Ours is not terribly active: and a lot of folks just want to get rid of their puffy 80's stuff, but that night? That night, nearly one week ago tonight, I was lucky.
There was the Liatorp, listed and 1/2 the original Ikea price. I e-mailed the seller Monday--we bargained a bit--and then we picked it up Friday night.

There'll be some tweaking along those two walls: some things may come down and others go up. I've also decided--at least I'm pretty sure I have--to paint the chairs yellow.
Linking to Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch Click the link to check out the other great projects!
I love a round table with a limited space. It seems you can sit so many people at a round table and everything can flow around it. Good job.
Dramatic improvement. And removing the shelf opened up the space even more. Very nice indeed.
Jane T.
Way to find a great table at the perfect price! What a wonderful improvement to your kitchen!
Dee Dee
Great improvement! Looks way more convenient now. I too like the openess of the kitchen now that there is no shelf.
The table looks great! I found your blog at Between Naps on the Front Porch. You have such great ideas and I'm your newest follower! I'd love it if you'd follow me back:
Again, you did a fantastic job with this!! :-)
Thanks everyone! And Erin, how nice of you, thank you.
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