Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Inspiration: the Laundry room

You had a peek at my laundry room yesterday.

Just in case you've forgotten, here is the area under consideration: (I took all the clothes down from the clothesline and put them on the folding table.)

What's working:
Everything---and nothing.

1) the donation station is in exactly the right place: it's just a little full!
2) the system for washing the laundry works: clothes are sorted into the hampers, then loaded into the machines.
3) Folding works well. I work from left to right creating stacks on the table as I go. Then, I put the stacks into the basket on the right and ask my husband to bring it up for me.

What isn't working:

I do not like spending time in this space.
Would you?

I've been wanting to paint this back brown wall for a long time. I don't know what to paint it. Nothing really comes to mind but primer--and a coat of soft, pure white.

Boring, I know.

I've been collecting inspiration images, practically all year--but unfortunately, there's no good way to keep track of their source. If anyone knows, please let me know so I can give proper credit.

In no particular order, then:

The light! Oh the light!
My laundry room is the dungeon.
I love how the light green gives this room a spa-like vibe.

Tiny, but so cheery! Again, it is bright! But it is also colourful, which I love. The blue, green and orange is an immediate pick me up. Could I be happy folding here?

I have hampers like these: plastic ones, held together with string and duct tape. (I kid you not.) This impractically small, sleek little number is divine. I also love the metal shelving above it. I would love something similiar for my pillows and blankets.

aaah. Isn't this calming? Doesn't this feel efficient: like things are getting done? I like the idea of putting the clothesline above the washer and dryer. I love the clear plastic tubs holding everything as well.

Hmm. It does feel a bit sterile, though: like a hospital.
But of course, it isn't real life.


thefarmersdaughter said...

I love your inspiration pictures... this is one room I could use a little inspiration in!

Leena said...

Love the first and last one, but I'm into white. The last pic could use a painting or poster of somesort to perk it up a bit.

I would suggest you go with the white (-ish) wall, just because in real life the laundry room is never going to be as tidy as in those pics, and you are not going to have only white or uniform colour shirts there, or are you? The clothes themselves will bring so much colour and chaos that I believe the backround should be calming.

So those are my thoughts, just a suggestion.

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