Friday, February 17, 2012

Week 2 Progress Report: Artwork and Memorabilia

If you've come from Org Junkie's link up--Welcome!

After updating my progress for Week One, I headed back down to the basement and got more done last weekend. Today, I headed downstairs just so I could have something new to post!

I am actually having a really hard time "getting" what I've done. All I can see are the pile and piles of things waiting for me to deal with:

The memorabilia which is supposed to find it's way into scrapbooks someday.

The kids' artwork which I plan to tackle this afternoon while listening to Dave Ramsey:

The itty bitty pile of things which needs to be put away:

The pile of things to be sorted into donate and sell:

So, here goes:


As of today:


As of today:
It's actually kind of nice down here when it's warm enough to leave the door open and let the sun shine in!

Here's how I'm tracking according to my plan:
Week 2:
1. Look through the shelves and get rid of anything obvious. --done
2. Start collecting items for homeschool conference sale. --done
3. Go through Emma's things with her--goal: to consolidate and clean out two storage boxes. Yet to be done. She has Monday and Tuesday off from school next week, so that's when we'll be doing that, I think!
4. Go through the scrapbooking supplies and discard little used tools and items. --in progress
5. Go through the drawers in the pine dresser. --done!


Carol-Anne said...

You go, girl!

Absentminded Mother said...

Looks like your getting a lot done. I need to organize my scrapbook area too. I tend to shop for what I like instead of what I need.

onshore said...

You've done lot of progress. I love the before and after shots, most of the time I tend to forget how it looked like before.

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