I had once used the desk in my own bedroom in high school. (Well, one of them. I had three different bedrooms while in high school.) I loved it. I loved having so many drawers!

Flash forward to a few years ago. I discovered the desk at my Moms during one of our big clear outs. I asked her for it. She said no: and then put it in the garage. About two years ago, we needed to clear out the garage and it got moved to the back deck. I asked her for it again. Again, she said no. We threw a tarp over it.

Flash forward again, now, to a few weeks ago. My Mom and I are discussing re-doing my daughter's room. She needs a desk with drawers, I say. Hey, that old black one doesn't happen to still be around does it?

It is. Only now, it has been moved down off the deck and into the back yard. When my husband and I go to pick it up he's dubious about it. Ok--he thought I was nuts. Suddenly, I wasn't so sure myself.
I sanded.
I was covered in black flakes. Too late, I realise, it was likely lead based paint.
I prime.
I prime again.
I paint.
And then I paint on the "squares"--on the drawers as well as the top.

I cleaned and reattached the original hardware just because I was too lazy to drill new holes for updated handles. Besides, I like these, even though they are a bit heavy handed for this look.

But most of all, my daughter is happier with this than the one she had before--and she was adamant when this project began that she wanted to keep that old thing she had.
Even my husband was impressed.

And I am relieved.
It's funny. It was in such rough shape when I got it, it no longer felt like the old desk I had always wanted. And now: it certainly isn't that old endearing thing. It is a totally new thing. But that's OK. It still has lots of drawers.
It's always fun to see projects. Linking up to Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch.
It looks amazing- the paint job is fantastic!
It looks fantastic! Like a completely different, NEW, desk!
Well done!
You did a great job. I'm sure your daughter is thrilled.
You've been busy! That's beautiful!
You did a really great job with this. I'm glad it held up over the years for your daughter :)
Gorgeous makeover! It looks really lovely.
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