I was even wasting time looking around at "crafty" blogs last night. I was brought up short. Take a look at this: Project Heidi. She's a homeschooling Mom of three young boys. She's not spending a ton of money. She's not particularly trendy--and I'm inspired.
I have let my own "spot for beauty" be a "spot for ugly" for far too long.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to it. We leave for the annual Homeschooling conference next weekend. But I'm hoping I can do something!
Aha! Someone else who's feeling "project-itis"! (I'm doing my own little personal WT over on my blog)
Looking forward to seeing the transformation, as time and inspiration permit!!
I think it's the whole spring thing- I have been painting, cleaning, moving stuff around. Plus, I've thought about painting and making a doll again- two things I haven't thought about in months!
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