Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I have no clue if what I go through is normal or not. But if it is, then I hope my constant posting about my efforts are encouraging to others who may feel crushed under the weight of an untidy, messy house.

Today, I reached my limit. Unfortunately, I had to work, so though I was highly motivated to work on cleaning and tidying, I couldn't.

But I could do something.

I planned to take two separate 15 minute sessions this morning and muck about in the kitchen. I took a coffeebreak between the first and second session: but after the second, I just kept going.

Eventually, I spent a total of 55 minutes whipping the kitchen into shape. I wanted to wash the floor, but I ran out of time.

I have to say, though, that it felt great to shift focus from "making progress" to actually "finishing."


Marian said...

Yes, "crushed under the weight" would be the perfect descriptor for the anxiety I feel about an untidy and messy house. I greatly appreciate your posts ...

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

You inspire me.

Thank you ~ FlowerLady

Anonymous said...

The reason I follow your blog is because you are real. No outrageous budgets on room makeovers that no average person has or is willing to boot. I like the fact that your house is messy, because so is mine! Thank you for being YOU and not pretend. Did you change lights in the kitchen or just take off the shade? I was going to comment on your last post about the light--are you married to the main light fixture or is that something you could bump up in size to allow more light overall, then maybe the one above the sink wouldn't feel as large or stand out alone. Curious...
Gina in Chatt, TN

Alana in Canada said...

Marian, Lorraine and Gina--thanks! You support and encourage me--true gifts. Gina, I will do a post on the light today--I hadn't known anyone was interested!

MMarie said...

Alana, I love your blog! We've been in BPC and Simplify101 classes together and it's fun to see what you are up to. I too appreciate that you keep it real with a lived in home and a realistic budget.

You inspire me to take 15 minutes to clean up a messy space (though I should spend that 15 minutes teaching my child to clean up after himself!!)

While I'd never want you to feel pressure to post something for other's enjoyment, yours is the first blog I like to look at when I have a few extra minutes. You moved to the top when Young House Love stopped posting, and actually I looked at your blog 1st many times!

I would love to glean from you how to make slipcovers and ideas for pulling a room together. I like colors to coordinate then it's good enough. Not a lot of accessories / tie the room together going on in my home as others here don't like those things and we're comfy as it is (thanks Rita for that confirmation!)

Rita said...

Some weekend days I really want to work on a house project, but by the time I get done with just cleaning/maintaining the house as is, there's no time left for the project! I don't really know how to resolve that tension. I appreciate confirmation that cleaning and dealing with stuff takes real time. It's always time well-spent for me, as I can't work in clutter and mess. If I chose to work first and clean later, I still wouldn't make much progress.

thefarmersdaughter said...

I think that everything you did looks great! I'm dying under a sea of clutter right now.... I have too many projects going at once.

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