Jules, at Pancakes and French Fries hosts the William Morris Project every Thursday. She's been doing this since the new year--and I finally have something to post for it!
I took on a very small project: but one I've been meaning to get to for ages.
My linen cupboard upstairs also has to hold the various odds and bits I use for cleaning the two bedrooms and the powder room up here.
I'd put the back of the door to use:

However, as you can see, it wasn't very convenient. Or beautiful. But it did work. Sort of. Everything was stacked, one on top of the other. Like a pile. A hanging pile. Yuck.
As I was cleaning up the basement (as part of the 29 day challenge) I came across a small towel rod and some hooks. I can't quite remember what I thought I'd do with them--maybe even this very project!
The first task was to remove the old sticky plastic hook.

Have you heard of Goo Gone?

It's amazing stuff.

Just a bit on a tissue and rubbing away at it for several minnutes was enough to get rid of all the residue.

(That's old growth forest from British Columbia you're looking at. Douglas Fir. At first I wanted to paint it, but it has grown on me.)
Nothing left to do but put up the towel bar, the hooks and hang everything up idividually, instead of all together. In a pile.

Ta Da!

If you'd like some great inspiration to get something done, check out the other participants at Pancakes and French Fries.
Simple things can really make such a big difference! Way to go...
Great idea! Brooms and cleaning stuff are such a pain to store. I love the towel rod and hooks....
Love those hooks, and what a difference it made in your closet! Well done!
Oh! I need to do this too. Why hadn't I figured that out instead of just shoving in the mop and trying to swing the door shut fast before it fell out?!
Oh, I like this solution! I have a rack on the inside of my cleaning closet that is made for hanging brooms, etc, but the hooks are all the wrong shape for most of my tools. The rod and S-hooks are so much more flexible!
ohmigosh, this is amazing! i am pretty sure i have the same items somewhere in the "room that is not ventured into" that i bought cheap at ikea for a "someday project". i believe someday has arrived! well done.
The simplest change often has the biggest impact. Nice!
Very nice. I love the simplicity of the towel rack. I would've held onto it, too! It works perfectly. Good job!
Excellent! I love these small things that have such a big impact.
Tip: I've used silicon spray to remove stickers, it somehow lubricates the sticky stuff and it can be scraped off.
Your broom closet looks so good. Mine's a disaster. It's on my list of things to do!
THANK YOU for participating this week!!
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