
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Free at Last!

Whoo hoo!

I spent the entire day on the telephone getting our wifi set up. There were four calls to my Internet provider (2 last night, 2 today, 50 minutes and 40 minutes on hold, respectively).

Finally someone informed me I had to manually configure the wireless router in order for it to work.

That was a long call, too, but thanks to Dan, in the Philippines, I'm now looking out the window as I type!

And now, behind me, where I used to work?

Almost as good as a free atlas.


  1. oooh, its so nice to have a good place to work. Yay you for getting it all worked out.

  2. Those pun strips kill me.

    And I like your new office space!

  3. Yippee! Wifi rules (less cables). Well done on getting it to work!


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