Thursday, December 1, 2011
The Return of the 30 Days of Housekeeping and the Advent Activity Calendar..
November is gone. I don't know where it went.
I kept promising myself I'd "get back on track" with the housekeeping and some days I did and some days I didn't. I really don't know how I did, housekeeping-wise, project-wise and decluttering-wise.
I do know that I feel utterly overwhelmed. And I know from the 30 day Housekeeping series I did in October that as chaos is cumulative--so is cleaning. And I also know that I need help.
Blogging about the housekeeping checklist every single day took a lot of time, however. I need to keep the posts brief and I'm afraid that cutting down on pictures will help. And I will be blogging about decorating for Christmas, and keeping you all posted on the bathroom progress, if there is any.
I mean "when." Of course.
So, to the checklist:
made bed: not really. Just pulled up the covers.
swish and swipe upstairs bathroom: no
swish and swipe downstairs bathroom: yes.
laundry: transferred the wet stuff from yesterday into the dryer. I'll do some folding while watching The Sopranos (on DVD) tonight, if I don't forget.
wash breakfast dishes: Yes, with the lunch dishes.
pick up house: A little. Didn't need much. But there are too many things in progress and sitting out, still.
Dining room table cluttered with tiles, the Christmas cards to send, and decorations I haven't decided what to do with yet.
review calendar: yes
make to-do list: I didn't make a list.
One essential task: Yes. Booked flight for my daughter to go to San Fransisco with Girl Guide troop this summer.
2nd Essential Task: Got the list of activities figured out and printed up for the Advent activity "calendar." (above) Still need to buy the chocolates and stuff it.
Take a deep breath and break it into bite-sized bits. You can do it!