
Saturday, October 6, 2007

4.6(b) Strange...(An afternoon (and evening) in the life of the cure)

12:00am. The spackle looks good. So, move the furniture, sand, wash and cut in the primer tomorrow. Maybe even get a first coat of primer up before we go to my mother's for Turkey. (Yes, she decided to do it after all, (sigh)). I may be off line for a while, maybe not. We'll see if I can get set up in the basement or not. Happy Turkey Day to my fellow compatriots. And Happy Columbus Day to my American friends.

9:30 pm. I've spackled the walls twice now. Hopefully they won't need it a third time, but if they do, I'll do it before bed. Looking at the damage these holes have made to my plaster walls, I'm thinking that landlords may have a point about not allowing folks to make them. I have visions of plaster walls slowly being totally replaced by polyfilla.... I can see the point about paint too. This house is over 50 years old. The dining room really hasn't been painted much. But it'll get four coats over the next three days just to cover up this red. I'm not going to recognise this room when I'm done. And I wonder if the rest of the house is going to start to look garish by comparision.

6:10 pm. Well, everything is now off the dining room walls. I can now make up a paste of polyfilla and spackle. The boy made Chocolate Chip cookies for supper. Inspired by zooza's tenacity, I applied another coat of stain to the table. It's not working. It's still a streaky mess. Maybe one more....

5:00 pm. Read a chapter of The Hobbit to the boy. My daughter is at a friend's and the husband is still at work. It's getting a bit chilly to go out and sand. Do you think I should go throw a coat of paint on my dresser in the bedroom? I primed it about three years ago.

4:02 pm. Well, the brackets and three supports are now washed and ready to re-hang. (Guess who didn't take the support thingys of the wall when we painted the room red?) I soaked them in hot, hot water in the tub and the paint came off like a charm. The empty space is still nice. Now what?

3:13 pm. I just got the shelves and brackets off the wall above the desk. Does it ever feel strange to be facing a blank wall with nothing protruding from it. Hmm, what to do next....


  1. I'm holding my breath, waiting for the next update!

  2. Are you okay?

    It's not that I think you should always be cleaning (heaven forbid!) but that you're usually so energetic that I'm starting to worry that you've made yourself seriously ill.

  3. Wende -- I think Alana said something about maybe having to be offline for a few days if she couldn't hook the computer up in the basement, since the computer usually lives in the room she's taken apart to repaint.


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